Changing Grades

Grades can be changed under the very specific circumstances below:

Incomplete or Incorrect Grades

On occasion an instructor makes a mistake in reporting grades. If you believe that the grade on your transcript is incorrect, you should contact your instructor. If it is, indeed, incorrect, the instructor will change it with the Records Office.

An incorrect grade may only be changed in the first semester after it was assigned, so be sure to follow though on any incorrect grades quickly.

You have a maximum of one year (less if your instructor specifies a shorter time period) to replace an incomplete grade with an A-F or S/U grade. See policy for Incomplete Grades.

Revision of Records

On occasion a student will fail to follow through with the proper procedures to reflect their situation. When this happens a grade on the transcript, while technically correct, does not accurately reflect what happened in a given semester.

A student in certain situations can petition a campus wide faculty committee to change his/her transcript and reflect the withdrawal. To petition the Committee on Revision of Records for the change the student needs to start in her academic unit advising office to pick up appropriate forms and instructions and make sure this type of petition is valid.

Petitions are reviewed by this faculty committee and are approved, denied, or tabled for additional documentation. Students are informed of the decision of the committee in writing.

Academic Renewal

Students who are returning to the University of Missouri to pursue an undergraduate degree after an extended absence may request permission to remove one or more complete academic terms from future degree and GPA considerations. This can help improve a student’s chances of being admitted to certain degree programs or meeting graduation requirements.

For eligibility, conditions and forms regarding Academic Renewal, visit the Registrar’s website.